Best Treatment for glaucoma in Kalaburagi

Early detection and prevention of glaucoma is crucial for preserving eyesight

Glaucoma has become the biggest threat in the last few years. It’s now the second biggest reason for blindness. The most concerning fact is that vision loss due to glaucoma is completely irreversible. So if not detected and treated at the early stage then blindness becomes the fate of the patient.

Although most of the cases of glaucoma caused due to genetic history, yet you can prevent the severity or at least detect it at an early stage. Get Best treatment for glaucoma in Kalaburagi with Kamal Eye hospital-Gulbarga

Not only adults, but children can also have glaucoma. Be aware of the symptoms like

  • Halos around a street light. 
  • Unbearable regular headache along with vomiting tendency. 
  • Long-lasting red eye.

For children, it becomes a bit difficult to identify the symptoms but monitor if your child has a red eye, tears while not crying, abnormally big iris. 

Now let’s come to prevention. Regular eye screening is the best option to prevent or treat glaucoma at the earliest stage. One in a four-year screening is suggested up to the age of 50. For the latter age, better to increase the frequency by once a year.

Maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle can also reduce the probability of glaucoma. 

  • Try to eat carotenoid, vitamin B-complex and C rich foods. Adequate consumption of green fruits and vegetables lowers the glaucoma occurrence rate. 
  • Stress facilitates the onset of glaucoma, stress level maintenance also plays a remarkable role in the case of glaucoma prevention. 
  • The use of prescribed eye drop can also prevent glaucoma.
  • Besides a few work outs and yogas that create less pressure on the eyes has also proven beneficial for glaucoma prevention. However, you must remain cautious about practicing yogas in regards to glaucoma prevention. Few yogas, such as headstands make the condition of glaucoma to a severe level. Such yogas create excessive pressure on the eyes. Unbearable pressure on the optic nerve is the main culprit for glaucoma. 

Although vision loss due to glaucoma can be reversed initiation of treatment at an early stage can preserve your vision. The key intervention in the treatment of glaucoma includes the reduction of intraocular pressure on the eye and to prevent optical nerve damages. To do so specific eye drops, medications, laser therapy, or even surgery can be suggested by the doctor, depending on the stage of glaucoma and the condition of your optical nerve. For eye drops, beta-blocker and prostaglandins are the most popular choices. In the case of oral medications, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors offer a better result. 

However, in the case of angle-closure glaucoma, doctors treat this as an emergency case, so either laser therapy or surgery remains the only option here. For acute angle glaucoma, most of the patients remain unable to detect the early sign and lead to blindness very soon. 

The majority of glaucoma cases are found to be angle-closure glaucoma but regular check-up can protect you from this health threat. So consulting a doctor immediately is suggested in case of any discomfort, like red-eye, watery eye, etc in eyes.

Consult Kamal Eye Hospital for Best treatment for glaucoma in Kalaburagi or call us at +91-96326 02090 to know more about glaucoma.

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